Marc Prevost Machinery Inc. provides equipment, parts, consumables, support and service for the glass and stone industry.
We offer complete installation of all the equipment we can provide you from new to used machinery.
Marc Prevost Machinery Inc. provides equipment, parts, consumables, support and service for the glass and stone industry.
Before receiving and installing your new equipment, MPM offers on-site training for your operators to make sure that they become knowledgeable in their new software environment.
We offer complete installation for any machines new and used; from assembly to final verification and also peronnel training.
We also offer equipment relocalisation.
Since 1998, Marc Prevost Machinery Inc. supplies machines, parts, consumables, support and service to the glass processing market.
We work with world renowned manufacturers, leaders in their specific fields, which enable us to supply a variety of machines with technical characteristics that address the most varied needs of the market.
Our mission is to supply, with an unequaled level of service, the best value available for your equipment, tooling and consumables related to our industry.
With the assistance of our experienced sales persons, our support staff and our international and local suppliers representatives, we guide you to sensible investments in the latest technology.